Official copy of company records
The Official copy of company records is an electronic document, what is downloadable in 24/7.
By our service the company documents are accessable directly from the Hungarian Ministry of Justice's database, what provides a credible and effective (daily updated) data about all hungarian companies.
The Official copy of company records contains all the effective and historical data, in an authentic way, and have daily updates. Cause of the electronic format it is not a real "notarial document", altrought it's meets most of the usage cases. If you plan to provide this kind of document for legal process, tendering or any other official use cases, please be sure if the requier will accept it.
This is a full automatic online service, so we deliver the documents 24/7. The documents are online, so after the successful payment it will be available for download immediately.
Content of the Official copy of company records document
The document includes not only the currently existing entries of a company, but all the historical, deleted entries with dates.
Official copy of company records sample (hungarian language)
- Structure of the document may differ per company.
- This document is available in english too.
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